Our journals
Every year, as a member, you’ll receive your own copy of the prestigious Highland Breeders’ Journal. It’s full of useful information, articles and features, a detailed reference section, plus contact details for fellow members. To view the various issues of the journal, click on the cover images below.
Highland Breeders' Journal 2023
Highland Breeders' Journal 2022
Highland Breeders' Journal 2021
Highland Breeders' Journal 2020
Highland Breeders' Journal 2019
Highland Breeders' Journal 2018
Highland Breeders' Journal 2017
Highland Breeders' Journal 2016
Highland Breeders' Journal 2015
Highland Breeders' Journal 2014
Highland Breeders' Journal 2013
Highland Breeders' Journal 2012
How to join
To become a member of the Highland Cattle Society, simply download a membership form, complete it and send it to us at the address shown.
New members who already own pedigree cattle are asked to register their fold name (herd prefix) when joining, so that their cattle can be registered on our database. As a breeder, you select your own fold name, which is then reserved exclusively provided a name is not already taken.
If you have any questions at all, please contact the Society Office on 01786 446866.