Important information you need to know before coming to or entering animals into a Society Show and Sale
Show and sale regulations
The Trustees of the Society reserve the right to refuse entries for the sale of any person without giving reasons, also the right to amend, vary or supplement these regulations.
The Highland Cattle Society SCIO (“the Society”) takes no responsibility for any injuries sustained by members of the Society, their employees or contractors, or the general public, whilst attending shows and sales held by or under the auspices of the Society unless directly caused by the negligence of the Society.
Vendors or exhibitors should ensure that cattle handlers are competent and suitably qualified.
Highland Cattle Society members should ensure they have public liability insurance cover in place when attending shows and sales as well as on-farm cover.
The Society conducts official Society Sales alongside the following Auctioneers:
Oban Livestock Centre Market – Oban – 01631 570631
United Auctions – Stirling – 01786 473055
Closing dates for entry
You should check the Highland Cattle Society website for exact details of closing dates, but as a general rule closing dates are usually eight weeks prior to the sale date. The Society will not accept entries after the closing date.
Conditions of sale
The Sales are conducted under the General Conditions of Sale, which are exhibited in the Mart and in accordance with regulations approved by The Highland Cattle Society. Notwithstanding any other sale conditions, cattle will be sold subject to the National Beef Association Male and Female Breeding Warranties, as amended by the Highland Cattle Society with particular regard to the Highland breed. These Warranties contain provisions by way of exclusion and limitation of liability in favour of the Vendor and the Auctioneers. The attention of sellers and buyers is particularly drawn to a change in the bull breeding warranty (trial period) Clause 4.2
Copies of which are available free of charge from The Highland Cattle Society SCIO, Stirling Agricultural Centre, Stirling FK9 4RN. Telephone 01786 446866. Email info@highlandcattlesociety.com
All animals entered for the Sale must be pedigree and registered or accepted for registration by The Highland Cattle Society SCIO. They must have tested for mutations of the Myostatin Gene.
All animals purchased at Society Sales must be paid for in full on the day of the sale. Credit cards and cash will be accepted. Arrangements to transfer money in advance of the sale can be made direct with the auctioneer. No animal will be allowed to leave the market until full payment has been received.
Entry conditions
All Bulls, Cows, Heifers, Calves and pure Highland Steers are accepted for entry under the regulations pertaining to the Sale of Pedigree Highland Cattle as drawn up by the Society.
All animals entered for the Sale must be pedigree and registered or accepted for registration by the Highland Cattle Society.
All animals entered for Sale should be the bona fide property of the Vendor and must be bona fide exposed for sale. Animals not bred by the Exhibitor must be registered in their name with the Society. No substitution of animals entered in the Catalogue will be permitted.
All cattle over the age of six months old at the time of the Show and Sale must have a ring or snitch in throughout the duration of the Show and Sale and until they are removed from the market premises.
All bulls over six months must be rung or snitched. Snitches can be used on bulls six-ten months and rings from ten months onwards.
Each animal needs one primary and one secondary tag, both showing the same unique individual identification number. The primary tag must be a yellow plastic, distance-readable flag tag. It can go in either ear. The secondary tag must be in the other ear. It must have the same information as the primary tag, but may also contain management information. If you add management information, it should not affect or confuse the official identification information on the tag. It is a criminal offence to transfer ear tags between animals or to re-use an identification number that was given to another animal. It is also illegal to move or sell cattle which are not properly tagged with their unique number.
Purchasers must verify official identification marks before taking delivery of their purchases and if any identification irregularity is discovered, the animal in question may be rejected. Sellers must stand by their animals until the identity has been checked.
Immediately after the purchase is declared the risk of the animal shall be exclusively with the Purchaser save that in the event of an animal being rejected as in 3(b) the risk shall remain with the seller.
Any female over the age of three years must be certified in calf or have a calf at foot.
Cows in the last 10% of pregnancy (approximately 27 days), or that have given birth in the last week, are considered not fit for transport, and are also unfit for presentation at market.
A calf with a navel which is not completely healed is considered unfit for transport.
Cattle must be handled and transported separately from other species. Immediately after the purchase is declared the risk of the animal during transportation shall be exclusively with the Purchaser. The following separations must also be applied:
Cattle of significantly different sizes or ages
Sexually mature males from females
Animals with horns from animals without horns
Animals hostile to each other
Tied animals from untied animals
Fees and levies
At official sales all animals will be sold in guineas. The Auctioneer will collect as commission the guinea and the Society will collect as a commission 5% of the sale price.
Entry fees: £25 including VAT. Health Declarations and Certificates of Pedigree must accompany the entry form.
A levy of £6 + VAT per Bull (£3 paid by vendor, £3 paid by purchaser).
£4 + VAT per Female (£2 paid by vendor, £2 paid by purchaser).
Market levies: please contact the relevant auctioneer for details on their levies.
Withdrawl Fee: There will be a £150 fee for withdrawing an animal without a covering Veterinary Certificate.
Every registered pedigree Highland bull will have been subject to a rigorous inspection/assessment to continue to improve the breed and ensure ongoing customer confidence. If any member has an issue with an animal forward at an Official Society Sale they must inform the Chief Steward and they will appoint a Fieldsman who has no connection with the sale to investigate the matter. If necessary a vet may be called to help them in their decision. The Chief Steward and the Fieldsman will speak to the owner in confidence regarding the action they deem appropriate.
Data collection
With effect from February 2017 the Society will use the Official Society Shows and Sales for gathering information that can be stored centrally and used to promote the breed to external organisations. They will record the weights of two and three year-old bulls and take a measurement of height. No two or three year-old bull will be eligible for the sale unless its weight and height has been recorded.
Yearling bull classes
The yearling bull classes will be at Oban in February (1 January to 30 April). Animals fully registered as bulls from eight months, will be eligible for entry into the Championship. Calves born to a sire that is not fully registered (birth notified) and vet and DNA checked cannot be registered with the Society.
Aged bulls
Many of the aged bulls have been shown and sold at Oban during their prime and therefore the aged bulls will not be eligible for the Championship and Council have introduced an upper age limit of seven years old on the day of the show.
Sale of champions
The Champion and Reserve Champion of each section will be sold as per the catalogue on sale day. Aged bulls are not eligible for the Championship. Overall Champion and Reserve Champion will be sold out of catalogue order at the Auctioneer’s discretion.
Sale order
The Spring Sale will commence with the two year-old bulls, followed by the three year-old bulls, aged bulls and finally the yearlings. The sale order for the October sale will be three year-old heifers, followed by two year-old heifers, yearling heifers, heifer calves, senior heifers with calf at foot, cows with calf at foot and male classes.
Health and safety
All market Health and Safety rules and regulations must be followed.
All animals are at the risk of the vendor before sale and at the risk of the purchaser after sale.
Young people under 14 years of age are not permitted to lead an animal in the show or sale ring. The only exception to this rule is within the dedicated young handler classes and Highland Cattle Society Youth Development Workshops. In such events responsibility for the health and safety of the young person is that of their parent or guardian.
Young people aged 14–16 years old can parade an animal in the show and sale ring as long as they are accompanied by an adult.
All electrical appliances at the market must be PAT tested prior to the show/sale.
Fans must be securely fastened at all times.
Health status
All vendors must complete a Highland Cattle Society Herd Health Declaration form at the time of entry into the Show and Sale. All information provided is supplied by the vendor who has the responsibility to ensure the details are correct.
By completing and signing the respective sale entry forms or completing an entry, online members agree to and accept all Highland Cattle Society bye-laws pertaining to official Highland Cattle Society Sales. The Highland Cattle Society reserves the right to check the accuracy of the information provided by members with the relevant CHeCS licensed health scheme provider.
It is mandatory for Highland bulls sold through Highland Cattle Society Sales to be DNA sire verified before the sale. You will find these on our Membership Fees page.
All animals are accepted for sale on the terms that the vendor warrants his or her right to sell the same and undertakes to indemnify the Society and the auctioneers against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses to which they may be exposed by reason of any defect in the vendor’s title.
Please note all cattle forward at sales must have been IBR, BVD Lepto and Johne’s (Antigen and Antibody) tested. All cattle however lose their accreditation status once they have entered the market premises. To regain status without affecting other cattle of higher status they must be isolated and retested either at the buyer’s premises or the seller’s premises (if unsold).
To minimise the risk of cross infection on the market premises, cattle for sale from a fold where all the animals are tested on a whole herd bases are segregated from animals with no health status. Animals tested on an individual basis are segregated from other animals of higher status and no status, if this is practicable, otherwise they are penned with animals of no health status.
Animals consigned for an official sale held under the auspices of the Society who have failed any test, whether as part of a whole herd basis or as individuals, should be advised to the office of the Society and should not be presented for sale. Cattle vaccinated for Blue Tongue must be accompanied by a Declaration Form.
Any animal showing antibodies must be notified and a declaration will be added to the catalogue note.
Animals must be quarantined for 28 days prior to testing, so please remember to allow plenty of time. Health Test Results Certificates must be sent to the Highland Cattle Society Office at least one week prior to sale. Anyone requiring information/advice should contact Anne-Marie Carruthers on 01786 446866.
The five diseases currently available for control in cattle are:
IBR - Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis – attested cattle
BVD - Bovine Virus Diarrhoea – attested cattle
Johne's disease (Paratuberculosis) - attested cattle
Leptospira Hardjo (Lepto) - attested cattle
TB - Bovine Tuberculosis - attested cattle
The UK is officially free of EBL - Enzootic Bovine Leucosis (EBL).
Cattle tested for any of the above diseases on a whole herd basis are described appropriately in the Index of Sellers. Please refer also to the ‘Animal entered for the sale’ note section for any animal being privately tested. In view of the complexity of the health regulations, buyers should seek to establish the current health status of any animal whose purchase is being considered by prior consultation with the seller.
Vendors must ensure that the correct health documentation (a photocopy of the current health certificate) accompanies each animal upon arrival at the mart, to enable mart staff to direct them to the correct penning area. Failure to do so will result in their cattle being sold at the end of the sale.
Health status (overseas potential purchasers)
All overseas purchasers must ascertain the health status of the animal they wish to purchase prior to the auction and make the necessary arrangements for export prior to purchase. It is advisable that anyone interested in purchasing cattle for overseas export should contact their own Intra-Trade Animal Health Authority.
The particulars shown in the Catalogue are furnished by the Vendors and are believed to be correct, the Society accepts no responsibility for any mistake or error therein. Vendors must intimate before or at the time of the Sale any mistake or misprint in their entry. The Society does not accept any responsibility for the health status of animals entered in the catalogue. The health status in the sale catalogue is not warranted by the Society. Sellers consign animals to the market premises entirely at their own risk.
Calves sold at foot
Bull calves at foot must be properly identified, birth notified and eligible for registration in the Herd Book.
Heifer calves at foot must be registered in the Herd Book unless otherwise stated. From 1 January 2018, in the autumn sales all calves born after 31 March must be sold with their dam. In the spring sales all calves born after 31 July must be sold with their dam.
Appendix animals
Females of unknown pedigree, but accepted, by inspection, as being of True Highland type, are eligible for entry in Appendix B of the Highland Cattle Herd Book. Only female progeny out of Appendix females, and by registered Highland bulls, are eligible for entry in the Herd Book. Female calves from Appendix B cows are entered into Appendix A of the Herd Book, and female calves of Appendix A cows are entered into the Herd Book proper. No male progeny out of Appendix females can be accepted for entry in the Herd Book. Highland Cattle accepted for entry into either of the appendices are identified by the addition of the suffix 'B' or 'A' to the ear tag denoting the appropriate appendix.
Stock arrival at market
Stock may be delivered to market early by arrangement with the auctioneers.
Fodder and utensils
Vendors must provide their own fodder, feed stuffs, drinking utensils and grooming equipment. Items including bedding can be purchased from the market staff.
All animals will be numbered on arrival at the sale premises and must remain numbered throughout the show and sale. It is the responsibility of the vendor to be present and to check each animal is correctly numbered and penned and sold in catalogue order, unless any alteration is authorised by the Auctioneers.
Unless there is a specific class listed in the schedule, all animals entered for Society sales must be halter broken. Please note if an animal is not led, washed, groomed and correctly presented for show and sale they will be moved to the unhaltered section, with no refund of entry fee, at the discretion of the Chief Steward. Any animal deemed not to be under proper control of the handler may be asked to leave the show ring at the discretion of the Chief Steward.
Exhibitors should be smartly dressed and wear a white coat during the show and sale. The white coat should be buttoned up. Exhibitors will be called forward in class order. Please listen to the public address system. Each class will be judged in numerical order.
Cattle of different health status will be brought forward to and from the show ring using separate pathways where possible.
Spectators are requested not to obstruct passageways and entrances to the show ring.
Halters, bull rings and snitches
All cattle entered for the sale except Highland steers must be halter broken and provided with a serviceable halter which will become the property of the purchaser. All cattle over the age of six months old at the time of the Show and Sale must have a ring or snitch in throughout the duration of the show and sale and until they are removed from the market premises.
Removal of stock
All animals must be left with water and fodder after the sale. All vendors and purchasers must remove their stock from the market by the deadline set by the Auctioneers. The Auctioneers accept no responsibility for stock left on their premises. No animal may leave the market without first being checked by the market staff. All transportation must be washed out and clean prior to the transport of any animals leaving the market. The only exception would be if a vendor was transporting solely their own animals, returning to their own holding, as not sold. Prospective purchasers are strongly advised to make their likely requirements as to numbers and destination known to the Auctioneers well before the sale date so that suitable haulage arrangements can be made.
The Auctioneers will carefully execute commissions to purchase on behalf of buyers unable to attend the sale in person upon receipt of written instructions. Any animals placed for sale that are sold outwith the ring must put the sale through the UA books of account.
Buyer's numbers will operate for all Society Sales and all prospective buyers should obtain a number from the accounts office before they make any purchases. The same number should be used throughout the market.
Settlement in full for all stock purchased is due immediately at the close of the sale and before the stock is removed from the pens. All animals purchased at Society Sales must be paid for in full on the day of the sale. Credit Cards and cash will be accepted. Arrangements to transfer money in advance of the sale can be made direct with the auctioneer. No animal will be allowed to leave the market until full payment has been received.
There is a minimum bid in place for two year-old and three year-old bulls of 1200 guineas. Vendors shall have the right to fix a reserve price for any or all of their entries. Such reserve prices must be notified to the Auctioneers in writing on the day of the sale at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the sale. Animals, which fail to reach the reserve price fixed by the vendor, may be sold by private treaty after the auction where the price can be freely agreed between seller and buyer. Full commission and levy will be charged on all such transactions, which must pass through the Auctioneers.
Buyers’ declaration
It is the responsibility of the purchaser on collection of the Cattle Passports for the animals purchased to complete a Declaration Form. The ear tags must be checked against each Cattle Passport before signing the declaration and returning it to the Society office. Certificates of pedigree and ownership will not be issued for animals purchased without a signed declaration form.
Highland Cattle pedigrees
Buyers are reminded to retain the Sale catalogue. The short pedigrees of cattle offered for sale have been verified by the Society and are adequate for most practical purposes.
Change of ownership
Change of ownership at official Society Sales is recorded only on receipt of a Buyer’s Declaration Form.
Purchasers are reminded that all documents relating to the animal/s purchased must be uplifted from the market prior to leaving. The market cannot accept any responsibility for documents which may have to be posted out from the market.