Complaints policy

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction you raise about something done or not done by or on behalf of the Highland Cattle Society.

This complaints process is to resolve complaints that a member of the Society, another organisation or member of the general public raises with the Society. It does not apply to decisions made by, or proper to, The Board of Trustees. Those matters will be dealt with by the Board in accordance with the Highland Cattle Society Constitution.

We will make sure that your complaint is:

  • treated seriously

  • handled fairly without bias or discrimination

  • treated confidentially

You should complain as soon as possible and usually within three months of the event or decision that you are complaining about. This is because facts are generally easier to establish closer to the event. But, we will look into complaints made after that if circumstances prevented you from making the complaint sooner. You should contact:

  1. The Breed Secretary, unless your complaint is about that person; in which case

  2. The President, unless your complaint is about that person; in which case

  3. The Vice-President.

If you complain to another Board member, they will give the details of your complaint to one of the above as appropriate.

Your complaint can be oral or in writing and you need to tell us:

  • what you think went wrong

  • what you think we should do to put it right

When someone else complains on your behalf, we need written confirmation from you saying that you agree they can act for you.

If, because of the nature or severity of the complaint, the matter cannot be resolved informally, the President will designate one or more people from the Board (the Panel) to establish the facts of the case. This will be done within five working days.

Once the facts are established the complainant and whoever they wish to accompany them may be invited to a meeting with the Panel to give them the opportunity to put their case and their suggested solutions. Having established the facts and held a discussion with the complainant, the Panel will recommend a solution and inform the President and Secretary. The remainder of the Trustees will not be involved at this stage because they may be required to hear and decide upon an appeal.

The Secretary will inform the complainant in writing of the outcome.

Every effort will be made to complete this part of the procedure within four weeks of the Secretary receiving the complaint in writing.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision they may appeal in writing to a named Board Member who has not previously been involved in the complaint no longer than seven days following receipt of the decision. The Appeal will be considered by the remainder of the Board of Trustees not involved in the original complaint hearing. The Breed Secretary will communicate that decision in writing to the complainant within seven days of the date of the appeal decision. The appeal decision will be final and the results cascaded to the President and the whole of the Board.



