Judges protocol

Judges should at all times remember that they are representing the Highland Cattle Society and should at no time act in a manner that could bring the Society, its members or other representatives into disrepute.

Highland Cattle judge in the pen

You must be conversant with the Breed Standard as promoted by the Society and any changes or updates that may be made during your judging career.

Judges should present themselves at the ring promptly and tidily turned out. Ask the ring steward how the show normally expects the judging to be carried out i.e. large classes to be placed to last place or to keep the best ones to be placed and ask the rest to leave. Also whether a certain format has to be followed.

All competitors should be treated the same as they have all put in the time to attend and present their beasts the best way they know.

You must be prepared to give reasons for your placement of the beasts using a ringside microphone at the time of judging if asked to do so, or in the cattle lines after the showing, person to person. Competitors should not need to ask.

Please remember it is always best when giving reasons to be constructive and promote the positives of animals forward while encouraging younger and less experienced handlers to keep trying if they have not been placed.

You will be expected to turn down judging invitations if you are likely to be judging beasts that you have bred or that you have already judged in the same year. You will be expected not to accept more than three invites in any one year, to allow a good spread of judges.

The judges list will be reviewed every two years and past judging commitments will be taken into consideration.

The society will expect judges to support educational and workshop meetings where possible.

The Society will expect any member of the judging panel who becomes unable to carry out their judging duties for any reason including health, physical or mental, to notify the society and ask to be removed from the panel.

Judges will be expected to declare any event, transaction or interest from which they or any organisation or individual related to them may make financial gain, to the HCS Treasurer in order that any such arrangements are transparent and open. Reasonable reimbursed expenses incurred in fulfilling judging commitments need not be declared.

The Highland Cattle Society Board of Trustees retains the right to remove judges from the panel if given reason to do so, or if their appropriate membership has not been paid.

Judges application process

Nominations for new judges must be made on the society judges nomination form downloadable from the society website.

The form must be in the hands of the society secretary by the 1st of July.

Names put forward will be considered by the Judges and Field officer Committee, then offered up to the trustee board at their next meeting, for approval.

Candidates that are supported by the trustee board will be invited to attend a final assessment at the Autumn show and sale in Oban.

The assessment will be carried out on the Saturday by recognised Society judges.

Nominees who pass the assessment will be announced at the AGM which is normally held during that weekend.

Once added to the Judges panel their name will be added to the list and marked P for two years showing that they are newly appointed.

New judges will be expected to shadow an experienced judge for at least one show before going alone.

Any applicant that is not accepted on to the panel must wait three full years before they re-apply.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the judges protocol and process, email us today.


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