Over 90 pedigree Highland Cattle are registered in this year’s Spring Sale. Take a look at some of the animals entered with their respective lot numbers.
If you have animals entered in the Society’s Spring Sale with United Auctions, you may also like to promote them here. Just email your animal(s) details, along with at least one image and any video links to anne-marie@highlandcattlesociety.com today.

Lot 1 - Brogach Murphy Ruadh of Seam

Lot 2 - Balach A' Chaisteil of Luruha

Lot 3 - Gilleasbaig of Balrownie

Lot 6 - Seumas of Glenkinglass

Lot 9 - Dougie Boy of Glengoyne

Lot 11 - Duglas of Glengoyne

Lot 14 - Murchadh Dubh of Luruha

Lot 13 - Thor of Allanfearn

Lot 17 - Columba of Allanfearn

Lot 19a - Cluaran of Springfield

Lot 22 - Bealach of Benmore

Lot 23 - Seamus of Benmore

Lot 24 - Falaisg of Ardbhan

Lot 24a - Logan of Springfield

Lot 33 - Kirkiboist of Glenkinglass

Lot 36 - Harris of Eilean Mor

Lot 39 - Dossan Og 20th of Craigowmill

Lot 42 - Julie 33rd of Craigowmill

Lot 56 - Magaidh of Black Glen

Lot 58 - Molly of Black Glen

Lot 60 - Beitidh Dhubh 11th of Craigowmill

Lot 67 - Lady Alma Dhubh 19th of Craigowmill

Lot 70 - Bean Dubh 5th of Leys

Lot 71 - Morag Dubh 6th of Leys

Lot 73 - Gillian 2nd of Luruha

Lot 75 - Nighean Ruadh of Luruha