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You heard it here first
It happened at Oban for the first time in history
Heights and weights
For the last eight years, the Highland Cattle Society has been collecting data on bull heights and weights at our February show and sale.
High demand for x Highland heifers
The outstanding feature of the Autumn sale was the unprecedented demand for first cross Highland heifer calves, which saw buyers from Wales and the Isle of Skye competing with several local hill farmers to secure the best lots.
From where I stood
attendance. Highland enthusiasts from Australia, the United States, Germany, Ireland and Denmark were looking on with interest although the likelihood of being able to export live animals soon seemed quite remote.
From where I stood at the Oban Highland Spring Sale, according to Angus Mackay
One never can predict how any event such as our recent annual Oban sale will go as there are so many factors involved.
130th Annual Spring Sale
Members will have seen that United Auctions in Oban are holding a pedigree Highland sale on 8 March. This sale is not under the auspices of the Society and, as we notified you in the Bulletin on 8 January, we have reluctantly decided to hold a virtual only sale this year probably at the beginning of March.
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