Lot 29: Eoin Mhor of Black Glen

Vendor: Black Glen fold

Date of Birth: 1 March 2017
Colour: Red
Sire: Eoin Mhor 8th of Mottistone
Dam: Ban Righ of Mottistone


Last son of Ban Righ of Mottistone, champion cow Oban October 2016, Highland show champion 2010 and supreme champion Dalmally.

Sired by Eoin Mhor 8th of Mottistone, Champion at The Great Yorkshire show, Glasgow international and sire of the record breaking 23,000gns Eoin Mhor 17th of Mottistone.

Proven stock getter, many of his females retained for stock.


Lot 28 - Flath of Benmore


Lot 30 - 100439 of Glenkinglass