Lot 76: Muran Mhionag of Ardbhan

Vendor: The MacDonald family
Date of birth: 14 April 2024
Colour: Red
Sire: Hector of Balnabroich 11284
Dam: Muran Dhubh Lurach of Ardbhan 78395
NT821 negative

Organic fold. Tick acclimatised.

Joining her first cousin, Muran Mosscastle Dhubh, this bonnie lass follows the hoof prints of her full sister, Muran Mhilis, who graced the ring in Oban this time last year. Our Murans are versatile cows and have bred scores of top quality heifers and bulls over the years, many of which you've seen right here in Oban.


Lot 75 - Muran Mosscastle Dhubh of Ardbhan


Lot 77 - Dorothy Nighean 33rd of Glengorm