Royal Highland Show 2019
The Overall Champion of the day was the Female Champion - Skye of Little Rannoch from the home of Messrs MacNaughton & Lawrie of the Kelty Fold.
Female and overall champion, Skye of Little Rannoch
Reserve overall, Catriona 3rd of Gartocharn
SP11 Champion
Skye of Little Rannoch | Messrs MacNaughton & Lawrie
SP12 Reserve Champion
Catriona 3rd of Gartocharn
229 Female, born on or after 1 April 2018
1st Banrigh 10th of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
2nd Mollaig 2nd of Edgerston | Caroline Cuthbertson
3rd Magaidh 3rd of Cladich | Mrs Queenie Strickland
4th Banarach of Tippetcraig | The Burns Family
5th Cannach 9th of Goldenberry | Goldenberry Highland Cattle
6th Lady Alma 9th of Pollock | Glasgow City Council
230 Female, born on or between 1 January and 31 March 2018
1st Kirsty 5th of Gartocharn | J & C McKechnie
2nd Millie Dhubh 3rd of Craigluscar | Mr Hamish Irvine
3rd Banarach 2nd of Cailaich | Mr S & Mrs R Hunter
4th Lady Alma 8th of Pollock | Glasgow City Council
5th Frangag Beg 3rd of Earn | Earn Fold
6th Neonag 2nd of Balnabroich | Balnabroich Farms
231 Female, born on or between 1 January and 31 December 2017
1st Aimee Ruadh 5th of Balnabroich | Balnabroich Farms
2nd Magaida 4th of Earn | Earn Fold
3rd Ban-iarla Morag 9th of Blairlogan | Blairlogan Highlanders
4th Maila 45th of Woodneuk | Mr Tom Thomson
5th Morag of Gartocharn | J & C McKechnie
6th Bo Peep of Hunters | Mr S & Mrs R Hunter
232 Female, born on or between 1 January and 31 December 2016
1st Skye of Little Rannoch | Messrs MacNaughton & Lawrie
2nd Arin 2nd of Culfoich | Blairlogan Highlanders
3rd Sidonia 5th of Balnabroich | Balnabroich Farms
4th June 21st of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
5th Erin 6th of Earn | Earn Fold
6th Marina of Borland | R Thomas & E Davies
Beef Cattle Interbreed team competition
Second Reserve £50 Jacob 2nd of Benmore | Mr Gordon G McConachie
Second Reserve £50 | Aimee Ruadh 5th of Balnabroich | Balnabroich Farms
Second Reserve £50 | Catriona 3rd of Gartocharn | J & C McKechnie
Second Reserve £50 | Magaida 4th of Earn | Earn Fold
233 Female, in milk, born on or between 1 January and 31 December 2015
1st Ailsa Emma Dhubh of Kintore Castle | J & J Singer
2nd Chorrach 14th of Pollock | Glasgow City Council
3rd Gheilder Ruadh 21st of Claidch | Mrs Queenie Strickland
4th Kirsty 2nd of Gartocharn | J & C McKechnie
5th Subhlair of Hunters | Mr S & Mrs R Hunter
234 Female, in milk, born on or before 31 December 2014
1st Catriona 3rd of Gartocharn | J & C McKechnie
2nd Bachy 40th of Woodneuk | Mr Tom Thomson
3rd Chorrach 13th of Pollock | Glasgow City Council
4th Gheilder Dubh of Cladich | Mr Hamish Irvine
235 Bull, born on or after 1 January 2018
1st Maximus of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
2nd Aonghas Ruadh of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
3rd Angus Dubh of Craigluscar | Mr Hamish Irvine
4th Black Prince of Ranch | Ranch Fold
5th Lewis of Tippetcraig | The Burns Family
6th Jock of Hyndford | Mr Grant Hyslop
236 Bull, born on or before 31 December 2017
1st Jacob 2nd of Benmore | Mr Gordon G McConachie
2nd Magnus of Earn | Earn Fold
3rd Alasdair 5th of Woodneuk | Mr Tom Thomson
4th Campbell of Tilbouries | Mrs Queenie Strickland
5th Laurin of Glengorm | Mr Gavin Brown
6th Eoin Mhor of Black Glen | Mr Grant Hyslop
SP1 Best Calf at foot, exhibited with its dam in the classes
Gheilder Ruadh 21st of Claidch | Mrs Queenie Strickland
SP2 Best Junior Female
Banrigh 10th of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
SP2a Reserve Junior Female
Kirsty 5th of Gartocharw | J & C McKechnie
SP3 Best Female
Skye of Little Rannoch | Messrs MacNaughton & Lawrie
SP4 Reserve Female
Catriona 3rd of Gartocharn | J & C McKechnie
SP5 Best Junior Bull
Maximus of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
SP5a Reserve Junior Bull
Aonghas Ruadh of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
SP6 Best Bull
Jacob 2nd of Benmore | Mr Gordon G McConachie
SP7 Reserve Bull
Maximus of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
SP8 Breeder of Best Bull
ESeud Ruadh Beag 35th of Benmore | Mrs Emma Paterson
SP9 Junior Champion
Maximus of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
SP10 Reserve Junior Champion
Aonghas Ruadh of Hyndford | Mr Alan Prentice
SP13 Best Animal bred by Exhibitor
Skye of Little Rannoch | Messrs MacNaughton & Lawrie
SP14 Best Group drawn from the classes and consisting of one Bull, one Cow with own Calf at foot and one Heifer, all being the property of one Exhibitor
Janette 24th of Woodneuk | Mr Tom Thomson